Cairo, Egypt - Nov 13, 2023: Free Palestine

منذ السابع من أكتوبر 2023 ويظهر الشعب المصري في مختلف أنحاء محافظات الجمهورية العديد من أشكال التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني ضد ما يتعرضون له من جرائم على أيدي الاحتلال الإسرائيلي



المزيد من صور
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.