Fouad I Al-Azhar Institute, Assiut, Egypt.

Al-Azhar studies at Fouad I Institute in Assiut, Egypt.

المزيد من صور
Emirati man
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Saudi man
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.
Sudanese celebrations for the liberation of Wad Madani.